
Dragonhart is swiftly heading to become one of the major players in the construction industry.
With the experience in water and wastewater, recent expansion efforts are geared towards flood mitigation, environment rehabilitation, waste management and renewable energy. The future of Dragonhart shall involve design, project management, and concession operations.
With our partners in various fields of expertise, the assemblage of services will lead the Dragonhart team to its vision for sustainability through integrity, excellence and competitiveness.

Provide the Guaranteed Quality Construction

We deliver- the DRAGONHART way.
Consistent, exceptional and excellent.

Our Services

Dragonhart has completed more than hundreds of projects, pipe replacement/expansion projects for water mains, secondary and tertiary lines, wastewater conveyance networks, bulk water service connection/massive metering projects, leak repair contracts, and pumping stations. Competence and commitment to quality performance enabled Dragonhart consistently into the TOP CONTRACTORS list. A recipient of several Safety Excellence Awards and Management Awards confirms our efforts for continuous improvement and service excellence

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